Cam Stewart has been active in the field diversity, inclusion and human rights for over twenty years. He has received several awards for his work, including; Jewish Repairing the World Award, YMCA Peace Medal, , Baha’i Community Racial Harmony Award, the Alberta Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award. He has been honoured with an eagle feather from Elder Doreen Spence and been gifted a Blackfoot name of Mikostahpinukum (Red Morning) by Herman Yellow Old Woman. Under his leadership and guidance, the Calgary Police Service received the Calgary Immigrant Aid Society’s Immigrant of Distinction Corporate Diversity Award and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Diversity Award. This year he was awarded with the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal and Rotary International acknowledged Cam as a Person of Action: Champion of Inclusion.

He has advised hundreds of corporations, non-profit organizations, and all orders of governments in developing equitable practices and removing barriers for all people. Cam is presently the Education and Engagement Consultant for Alberta Human Rights Commission, President of the Alberta Hate Crimes Committee, and the Rotary District 5360 Indigenous Relations Chair.